NSW Recreational Fishing Fee

To purchase a fishing licence please click here.

Pay NSW Fishing Fee

  • 1 year: $35*
  • 3 years: $85*

* Plastic cards issued

You are required to pay the NSW recreational fishing fee to fish in fresh and salt water in the state unless you are:

  • 1) under the age of 18
  • 2) an adult assisting a person under the age of 18 to take a fish using a single rod or to take prawns using a single dip or scoop net
  • 3) a person fishing in a private dam with a surface area of two hectares or less
  • 4) an Aboriginal person
  • 5) the holder of a: current Pensioner Concession Card issued by Centrelink , current Pensioner Concession Card issued by the Department of Veterans' Affairs, Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs Gold Treatment Card endorsed "Totally and Permanently Incapacitated"(TPI), Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs Gold Treatment Card endorsed "Extreme Disablement Adjustment" (EDA) or letter from the Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs stating that the person receive a disability pension of 70 per cent or higher, or an intermediate pension.”

(These exemptions only apply to the primary card holder. Recreational fishers need to have these cards in their possession whilst fishing to be exempt. Note: These cards will act as a fishing licence when fishing)

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